18. Complimentary cocktail or wine coupons from hotel
rooms sold by maids to bartender which can use in
place of cash.
19. Short-Changing Customers.
20. Ringing food items on liquor key in order to cover
high liquor cost percentage.
21. Giving free drinks to employees in exchange for higher
22. Not pouring liquor into blended drinks to cover high
pour costs.
23. Duplicate imprinting of customers credit card charge
24. Claiming opening bank till was short.
25. Z-ing out register tape early. Under-reporting of
26. Recording incorrect overrings and voids.
27. Change a credit card amount after a customer leaves.
28. Hitting "no sale" key to open register. Pulling money
out later.
29. Keep income from vending machines.
30. Ringing items on another bartender or manager key.
31. Bringing in a pair of work shoes, wearing boots. Put
liquor bottle in boots and walk out with it.
32. Claiming fictitious Paid-Outs to customers for broken
malfunctioning vending machine. Keeping Cash.
33. Re-using empty bottles to get new inventory out of
storeroom without suspicion.
34. Pouring wine by the glass and ringing in a bottle
sale. (the sum of the glasses is more than the bottle
35. Not ringing in cocktail server sales and splitting the
37. Turning in only the amount of sales on Z-Report and
keeping any overages.
38. Under pouring drinks by a sixth, keeping track, and
pocketing the cash for one drink every sixth drink.
39. Using jiggers brought in from home that all smaller
than standard pour, with the same objective as above.
40. Substituting a house brand for a premium brand (that
usally sells at a higher price), charging for the
premium brand, and pocketing the difference.
41. Overcharging the number of drinks served to a group of
customers who are running up a tab to be paid later.
42. Claiming a fictitious robbery.
43. Re-pouring customer wine leftover in bottles (e.g.,
banquet wine) to other customers by the glass.
44. Claiming a fictitious walk-out.
45. Free drinks to local merchants in exchange for
46. Making juice or coffee drinks with little or no
47. Picking up excess customer change on bar.
48. Carrying full bottles of liquor and beer to the
dumpster with the empties.
49. Free drinks to the cooks in exchange for food that is
sold and cash pocketed without ringing in.
50. Inflate ending inventory values by filling empty
liquor bottles with water and counting as full.