The Bar Profit Guys
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Liquor Bottle Tare Weights
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Liquor Bottle Tare WeightsWe've Done The Work For You! All Software Sales are Final and non-refundable, Software is Sent Via Email

Reg. PriceWeb Special
$34.95 ea$25.00 ea
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This is a list of 944 liquors which includes the liquor name, liquor category, bottle size in ounces and metric and it's tare weight (the empty bottle weight.) A must have for savvy bar owners and managers that are performing inventories by weighing their 750 ml. and liter bottles.

This list is only delivered by email. Choose the "Free - Software Products Only" shipping option during the ordering process. The shopping cart will eliminate the shipping fee and you will receive the software by e-mail within 24 hours, but only between the hours of 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday (East Coast Time).

* We are now offering a Canadian version that includes a few dozen 38.5 ounce (1.14L) tare weights. This is far from being a complete list of 1.14L brands but we've added those sent by one of our Canadian customers. Please choose the correct version before clicking the order button.

This kitchen scale is perfect for weighing liquor and wine bottles to obtain extremely precise inventories. And for just $20 more, we'll email you our bar scale software program. This is the deal of the century!
Reg. PriceWeb Special
$99.95 ea$69.95 ea